作者:林 靜(1982-),女,廣東茂名人,副教授,碩士,現就職于茂名職業技術學院,研究方向為信號處理與智能檢測。
Abstract: In the servo system, PID algorithm is used to adjust the parameters of the system, so that the system can meet the corresponding requirements required in the application. The system is divided into three parts for analysis. First, the analysis method of the system is selected to meet the minimum phase system condition. Secondly, the Bode diagram and relative margin analysis. Finally, the phase margin analysis is carried out to determine the stability of the system. PID algorithm is used to correct the original system to reduce the number of oscillations (N), the maximum overshoot (σ) and the adjustment time (ts) of the system, and the residual error (ess) is zero. The performance is optimal.
Key words: PID algorithm; MATLAB; Relative margin; Bode diagram