作者:承 維(1985-),男,北京人,嵌入式系統設計師,碩士,現就職于北京廣利核系統工程有限公司,主要從事核電DCS主控嵌入式軟件研發工作;
Abstract:The field control station of the nuclear power DCS is the coreequipment in the system. Its main functions are acquisition, calculationand output of field signal. It usually operates redundantly from both main and secondary computers to improve the reliability. The operation data of the controller is loaded to the master controller of the field control station after being configured by the engineer station. In order to ensure the consistency of engineering configuration information between master and slave computers, synchronous operation of engineering configuration files between master and slave computers is required. This operation needs controllable process and high reliability, which does not affect the acquisition and output function of the control station. The traditional FTP method is based on general protocol, the protocol stack is complex, the communication process is not completely controllable, and it will increase the system overhead, so it is not suitable for direct reuse. Based on UDP communication protocol, this paper designs a file synchronization method between master and slave computers in the control station. The synchronization method is fully verified, which shows that the synchronization method has the characteristics of rapidity, reliability and good maintainability. This synchronization method is of great reference significance to the redundant communication design of embedded equipment in control stations or other instrument and control systems.
Key words: Nuclear DCS; File synchronization; UDP communication protocol; Embedded software; Redu ndant communication