作者:鄭 偉(1983-),男,天津人,工程師,本科,學士,現就職于北京廣利核系統工程有限公司,主要從事核安全級數字化儀控系統設計工作。
Abstract:FirmSys is mature and reliable digital nuclear safetyinst rument and control system platform, which has been applied tothe protection system of many million kilowatts nuclear power plant.In order to meet the needs of renovation and reformation project ofnuclear power plant, FirmSys is increasingly applied to small reactor protection system. According to the require ment of related standards and regulations, the reactor protection system should be periodically tested. The periodic test design is one of the key design technologiesfor digital protection systems. Taking a research reactor as an examplea complete set of periodic test solutions are presented in this paper,which simplifies the operation program of the periodic test scheme and optimizes the procedure of the periodic test. It can provide ideas andreferences for the design of periodic test scheme of the same type of small nuclear power protection system.
Key words: Periodic test scheme; FirmSys; Research reactor; Protectionsystem