★ 陳友越 北京亞控科技發展有限公司
Abstract: With the frequent occurrence of industrial control safety events, large domestic enterprises pay more and more attention to system security. This paper introduces a smart mine monitoring system solution based on of local KingSuperSCADA, which has been successfully applied to the information innovation reform project of an energy group. The product is independently developed by Beijing Wellintech Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "wellintech") and cooperated with Huawei Kunpeng Qihoo 360 and others have joined hands to implement this scheme, which aims to replace the original kepware and other foreign software and hardware industrial control systems of the group and realize the information innovation transformation of its network equipment, storage, security equipment and industrial control system. At the same time, data storage and data analysis are used to form production scheduling of production plan and analysis of production data, so as to reduce labor operation and maintenance costs. The deep integration of mine informatization and automation is realized as a whole. So far, the scheme has been applied and deployed in 13 mining areas with a total production capacity of hundreds of millions of tons, escorting the group's coal safety production.
Key words: KingSuperSCADA; Intelligent mine monitoring system solutions; Xinchuang innovation; Product replacement; Mine safety
在線預覽:信創SCADA 產品于煤炭行業中的應用與解決方案.pdf