作者:吳波波(北京和利時智能技術有限公司,北京 100176)
摘要:工業現場應用中,控制器運行期間的重要數據必須完整且不能丟失,國產化應用中基于龍芯CPU的控制器已經是行業的主流,由于龍芯CPU外圍接口的限制無法進行高速實時數據保存,則可在系統掉電時采用“掉電檢測+電源保持+Flash 存儲”的掉電保持方案對重要數據進行保存,確保數據不丟失。
Abstract: In the industrial field application, important data during controller operation must be complete and cannot be lost. The controller based on Loongson CPU in the domestic applications is already the mainstream of the industry. Due to the limitation of the peripheral interface of Loongson CPU, high-speed real-time data storage cannot be performed.When the system is powered down, the power-down maintain scheme of "power-down detection + power supply + flash storage" can be used to save the important data to ensure that data is not lost.
Key words: Loongson CPU; Power-down detection; Power maintain;FLASH storage