宋偉,楊超 北京京投億雅捷交通科技有限公司
摘要:本文分析了自動售檢票系統(AFC)架構精簡化的趨勢,基于鄭州 市自動售檢票線網管理中心(ANCC)系統的建設,分析了信息安全、互 聯網應用、容災備份、大屏幕系統等功能需求,進而對系統的網絡架構設 計、云平臺架構設計、雙活中心設計、應用層級設計的方案進行講解說 明,ANCC系統采用云平臺、雙活備份等新技術方案,為后續城市AFC線 網管理中心的設計提供了參考。
Abstract: Based on the construction of ANCC system in Zhengzhou, this paper analyzes the functional requirements of information security, Internet application, disaster recovery backup and large screen system, etc., and then puts forward the scheme of network architecture design, cloud platform architecture design, dual activity center design and application level design of the system. The ANCC system adopts cloud platform, dual live backup and other new technical solutions. This paper provides a reference for the design of AFC network management center in the future.
Key words: Rail transit; Automatic fare collection system; Network management center