作者:陳葆,郭靖(陜西震奧鼎盛礦業有限公司,陜西 寶雞 721700)
Abstract: This article introduces the energy-saving application andsystem composition of adjustable speed electrical power drive systemin slurry pump. After scheme demonstration and reasonable equipmentselection, the liquid level interlocking frequency conversion multistagespeed automatic control mode can effectively solve the problemsexisting in the manual control of the start and stop of the slurry pumpand improve the production process level. Through the analysis of actualdata, adjustable speed electrical power drive system of slurry pumpruns stably and has remarkable energy-saving effect, and has obviouseconomic and social benefits.
Key words: Power drive system; Slurry pump; Adjustable speed andenergy-saving; Liquid level interlock; Multi-stage speed control