航天測控基于Web Server的武器裝備信息化與遠程故障診斷終端的設計與實現
孫 健(北京航天測控技術開發公司,北京 100037)
關鍵詞:Web Server;遠程診斷;B/S;決策支持系統
Weapon Equipment Information System
and Remote Diagnose System Based on Web Server
Sun Jian
(Beijing Aerospace Measurement & Control Corp, Beijing 100037)
Abstract: Weapon Equipment Information System and Remote Diagnose System is based on web technology by utilizing the object oriented technology to design the components of remote diagnose , combining with web technology. It is very significant to build an Information System and Remote Diagnose System based on the web.
Key words: Web Server;Remote Diagnose;B/S;decision supporting system
孫 健(北京航天測控技術開發公司,北京 100037)
關鍵詞:Web Server;遠程診斷;B/S;決策支持系統
Weapon Equipment Information System
and Remote Diagnose System Based on Web Server
Sun Jian
(Beijing Aerospace Measurement & Control Corp, Beijing 100037)
Abstract: Weapon Equipment Information System and Remote Diagnose System is based on web technology by utilizing the object oriented technology to design the components of remote diagnose , combining with web technology. It is very significant to build an Information System and Remote Diagnose System based on the web.
Key words: Web Server;Remote Diagnose;B/S;decision supporting system