
CAIAC 2025
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     本次IFAC大會開幕式于7月6日17:30在COEX會議中心(the COEX Convention Center)舉行。 Prof. Wook Hyun Kwon是本屆IFAC主席,Prof. Hyungsuck Cho是General Chair. 在開幕式上頒發了兩項IFAC大獎: 澳大利亞Graham C. Goodwin 教授獲得Giorgio Quazza Medal, 德國獲得 Gerd HirzingerNathaniel B. Nichols Medal。 自2002年開始的IFAC的“The Industrial Achievement Award” 這次空缺。 此外,這次新增了兩位IFAC advisors, 分別是捷克的Vladimir Kucera 教授和英國的Peter Fleming教授, 使IFAC advisors的人數由原來的13人增至15人。大會期間還頒發了其它獎項,包括IFAC Journal Awards, IFAC Fellow Award,  IFAC Congress Awards, Outstanding Service Award等(見附錄 1), 其中IFAC Young Author Prize的評獎委員會主席由我會副理事長郭雷院士擔任。

    開幕式上,國際程序委員會主席Dongli “Dan” Cho 介紹了本次大會的投稿及學術安排情況。本次大會共收到來自72個國家和地區的有效投稿3713篇。較之2002年Barcelona第15屆(投稿2512篇)和2005年Prague第16屆(投稿3284篇)的投稿,有較大幅度增長。經評審,有來自60多個國家和地區的2716篇論文被錄取,錄取率為73.17%。中國投稿613篇(其中大陸和香港486篇、臺灣127篇),遙踞首位;其次是法國(316篇)、韓國(297篇)、日本(270篇)、美國(243篇)、德國(188篇)。以最后程序冊中論文通訊作者的國家為準,被大會錄用的2716篇論文中,中國386篇(其中大陸和香港288篇、臺灣98篇)、法國265篇、韓國217篇、日本211篇、美國194篇、德國161篇。


     論文數量最多的三大研究領域是:Design Methods (24%), System and Signals (22%), Mechatronics, Robotics and Components (15%). 具體如下:

Design Methods
Control Design
Linear Control Systems
Non-Linear Control Systems
Optimal Control
Robust Control
System and Signals
Modeling, Identification and Signal
Adaptive and Learning Systems
Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Stochastic Systems
Networked Systems
Mechatronics, Robotics and Components
Computers for Control
Cognition and Control
Computers, Communication and Telematics

     大會安排了397個口頭報告組(Oral Sessions, 共2323篇論文,其中132個為邀請組)、7個張貼組(Poster Sessions,共368篇論文)、2個影像組(Video Sessions, 共11個Videos)、9個大會報告組、6個CC Milestone組和2個Panel Discussion組。與上屆不同,本屆沒有Semi-Plenary Talks. 但Plenary Talk明顯增多,從上屆的6個增至本屆的9個(見附錄 2)。

     本屆大會組委會做了很大的努力,獲得了包括Humax, Samsung Electronics, Korea Electronic Power Corporation, Korea Power Exchange (KPX), Hyundai Motor, POSCO, LG Industrial Systems, Hyundai Heavy Industries, Hyundai Mobis, POSCON, Topfield, Fine Digital, Sanion, Suprema等在內的26個工業單位/公司的大力支持和贊助。對參加會議的青年學者和亞洲學生給予了大力支持和資助。

     會議期間,我國代表除積極參加IFAC會議的各項學術交流外,還積極參與IFAC組織的有關會議及活動。7月7日中國自動化學會副理事長郭雷院士、席裕庚教授,副秘書長張紀峰教授,以及中國科學院合肥智能機械研究所的熊范綸教授等參加了IFAC成員國代表大會(General Assembly)。IFAC成員國代表大會在每次IFAC大會期間召開,主要議程包括總結過去三年的活動、審議IFAC的章程及議事程序、選舉下一屆的IFAC主席和執委會成員。目前,IFAC成員國有49個,其中37個參加了本屆IFAC成員國代表大會??紤]到地域覆蓋性及參加這次IFAC大會的代表有不少來自非成員國(地區),本屆成員國代表大會特邀請了一些非成員國(地區), 特別是亞洲地區的代表列席了會議。

    本屆成員國大會由本屆IFAC主席Wook-Hyun Kwon教授主持。他介紹了IFAC PapersOnLine的進展情況。IFAC PapersOnLine旨在充分利用數字出版技術和高速因特網,在網上發行所有在IFAC會議上宣讀的論文。這項工作始自2006年9月,目前已完成,被IFAC成員國代表大會認為是IFAC這三來的最重要進展。技術局主席(Technical Board Chair) S. L. Jamsa-Jounela教授總結了過去三年IFAC的各項學術活動情況,她說雖然各項學術活動數量、規模上與前三年持平,但學術水平有了很大提高。執行委員會主席(Executive Board Chair) Peter Fleming教授介紹了執行委員會過去三年的工作情況,包括IFAC各項獎的協調、評審,IFAC PapersOnLine的構建,以及IFAC的財政、日常運行等情況。此外,還介紹了IFAC的財務狀況。大會一致通過了上述工作報告,并進行了執委會換屆選舉。我會副理事長郭雷院士當選為新一屆執委會委員(Council Member)?!⌒乱粚脠涛瘯?8位成員組成,分別是:Alberto Isidori, Ian K. Craig, Iven Mareels, Roger Goodall, Wook-Hyun Kwon, Lino Guzzella, Frank Allgower, Luis Basanez, A. Talha Dinibutun, Torkel Glad, Lei Guo, Abraham Haddad, Hidenori Kimura, Alexander B. Kurzhanski, Arturo Molina, Jurek Sasiadek, Michael Sebek, Janan Zaytoon. 郭雷院士自2005年至今一直是IFAC執委會的委員,目前是他任期的第二屆。7月5日與7月12日郭雷院士分別參加了IFAC上一屆執委會(Outgoing Council)最后一次會議和新一屆執委會(Incoming Council)第一次會議。會議批準通過了一系列新的任命,中國科學院合肥智能機械研究所的熊范綸研究員任Bio and Ecological Systems協調委員會主席(CC8 Chair);香港科技大學的曹希仁教授繼續擔任Systems and Signals協調委員會主席(CC9 Chair);上海交通大學的席裕庚教授任獎勵委員會(Awards Committee)委員,負責Journal of Process Control論文的評獎工作;中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院的程代展研究員任政策委員會(Policy Committee)委員;中國科學院自動化研究所的王飛躍研究員任Economic and Business Systems委員會主席(TC9.1 Chair); 中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院的張紀峰研究員任Modelling,

     Identification and Signal Processing 委員會副主席(TC1.1 Vice-Chair). IFAC目前有9個協調委員會(Coordinating Committee, 簡稱CC), 每個CC有3到5個技術委員會(Technical Committee, 簡稱TC),共40個TC;而每個TC都有幾十位委員(從二十幾位到八十幾位不等),合計約兩千人次。中國是系統控制領域的大國,近幾屆IFAC世界大會所占投稿及錄用比例都很高,可來自中國的TC Chair和TC 委員卻很少(TC Chair和Vice-Chair分別只有一位,委員也只有三十位左右)。這是一個非常值得我們思考和重視的問題。



附錄 1: 會議期間和閉幕式上頒發的其它各類獎項

IFAC Journal Awards

  Automatica Paper Prizes (三篇論文獲獎)

a) Survey Prize:
Bilateral teleoperation: An historical survey, P.F. Hokayem and M. W. Spong (December 2006).

b) Theory Prize:
Optimal control of switching systems, S.C. Bengea and R.A. DeCarlo (January 2005).

c) Application Prize:
Static H-infinity loop shaping control of a fly-by-wire helicopter, E. Prempain and I. Postlethwaite (September 2005).

  Control Engineering Practice Paper Prizes (三篇論文獲獎)

Evaluation study of an efficient output feedback nonlinear model predictive control for temperature tracking in an industrial batch reactor, Zoltan K. Nagy, Bernd Mahn, Rüdiger Franke, Frank Allgower (July 2007)

Identification and actual-vehicle verification of a successful dual model for a continuously variable transmission as described in, “Identification of a toroidal continuously variable transmission using continuous-time system identification methods”, M. Mensler, S. Joe, and T. Kawabe (January 2006)

Model derivation and development-experimental verification of a successful controller for a new chemical reactor as described in, “Modeling and control of a novel heat exchange reactor, the Open Plate Reactor”, S. Haugwitz, P. Hagander, and T. Norén (July 2007).

  Journal of Process Control Paper Prizes (五篇論文獲獎)

Application Prizes:

(i) Modelling and Control of a Fuel Cell System and Storage Elements in transport applications, S. Caux, J. Lachaize, M. Fadel, P. Shott, L. Nicod (April 2005).

(ii) Optimal selection of soft sensor inputs for batch distillation columns using principal component analysis, E. Zamprogna, M. Barolo, D.E. Seborg (January 2005).

Theory Prize:

Perspectives on the design and control of multiscale systems, R.D. Braatz, R.C. Alkire, E. Seebauer, E. Rusli, R. Gunawan, T.O. Drews, X. Li, Y. He (March 2006).

Survey Prizes:

(i) First-principles and direct design approaches for the control of pharmaceutical crystallization, M. Fujiwara, Z.K. Nagy, J.W. Chew, R.D. Braatz (May 2005).

(ii) Feedback control for optimal process operation, S. Engell (March 2007).

  Mechatronics Journal Paper Prizes (二篇論文獲獎)

(i) Mechatronic design of an active printhead alignment mechanism for wide format printing systems, A. Notenboom, D. Bruijnen, E. Homburg, R.v.d. Molengraft, L.v.d. Bedem, M. Steinbuch (March-April 2007).
(ii) The concept of “Haptic Tweezer”, a non-contact object handing system using levitation techniques and haptics, E. van West, A. Yamamoto, T. Higuchi (July 2007).

  Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Paper Prize (一篇論文獲獎)

Modelling of electrostatic fluidized bed (EFB) coating process using artificial neural networks, M. Barletta, A. Gisario, S. Guarino (June 2007).

IFAC Fellow Award

2008年度共有16位學者被選為IFAC Fellow, 其中有3位中國學者: 香港科技大學的曹希仁教授、東北大學的柴天佑院士、中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院的程代展研究員。2008 年 當選的IFAC Fellow的全部名單如下:

Sergio Bittanti,
For contributions to control and optimization of periodic dynamic systems, and inspiring activity as an educator.

Richard Braatz,
For contributions to the robust control of industrial systems.

Eduardo Camacho,
For contributions in model predictive control and advanced control of solar systems

Xi-Ren Cao,
For contributions to the analysis of discrete event systems, stochastic learning and optimization theory, and their application

Christos Cassandras,
For pioneering contributions to discrete event systems and the theory of perturbation analysis and is applications, and contributions to optimization methods for hybrid systems.

Tian-You Chai,
For contributions to theory, technology and applications of adaptive and intelligent decoupling control and integrated automation of complex industrial processes.

Dai-Zhan Cheng,
For contributions to nonlinear control theory, numerical realization of control, and their applications.

Thomas Edgar,
For outstanding contributions to the fields of mathematical modeling, optimization, and automatic control of chemical and microelectronics processes and professional leadership

Eveline Gottzein,
For outstanding engineering achievements in the development and implementation of advanced satellite guidance and control systems, including levitation and guidance systems of MAGLEV-trains.

Abraham Haddad,
For contributions to analysis, optimization and control of stochastic systems with
applications to vehicle guidance and communications networks.

Miroslav Krstic,
For pioneering contributions to adaptive nonlinear control, extremum seeking boundary control of distributed parameter systems, and control of turbulent fluid flows.

Alexander Kurzhanski,
For important contributions to mathematical theory of control and estimation under uncertainty.

Frank Lewis,
For contributions in neural network control, systems structure, and control systems education.

Manfred Morari,
For pioneering contributions to the theory and application of robust process control, model predictive control, and hybrid systems control.

Michael Safonov,
For founding contributions to robust control.

Antonio Vicino,
For contributions to systems identification and robust control.

IFAC Congress Awards

本屆IFAC大會除三個傳統獎項Application Paper Prize,Young Author Prize,Poster Paper Prize外,還設立了Best Video Prize. 我國學者東北大學的Tianyou Chai, Jinliang Ding,  Fenghua Wu等的論文“Hybrid Intelligent Control for Optimal Operation of Shaft Furnace Process”獲得了Application Paper Prize的提名(五個Finalist之一);中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院的博士研究生李韜的論文“Asymptotically Unbiased Average Consensus Under

Measurement Noises and Fixed Topologies”獲得了Young Author Prize的提名(五個Finalist之一)。具體如下:

  Application Paper Prize

a)      獲獎論文:

Christian Benatzky, Martin Kozek, Alexander Schirrer, and Anton Stribersky, Vibration Damping of a Flexible Car Body Structure Using Piezo-Stack Actuators.

b)      其余4篇獲提名論文:

  Takenori Atsumi, Disturbance Suppression beyond Nyquist Frequency in Hard Disk Drives.

  Emery N. Brown, Ming Cheng, Emad Eskandar, Sridevi V. Sarma, and Ziv Williams, Modeling Neural Spiking Activity in the Sub-Thalamic Nucleus of Parkinson's Patients and Healthy Primates.

  Tianyou Chai, Jinliang Ding, & Fenghua Wu, Hybrid Intelligent Control for Optimal Operation of Shaft Furnace Process.

  Tomohiko Jimbo & Yoshikazu Hayakawa, Physical-Model-Based Control of Engine Cold Start via Role State Variables.
  Young Author Prize

a)      獲獎論文:

Lachlan Blackhall and Michael Rotkowitz, Recursive Sparse Estimation using a Gaussian Sum Filter.

b)      其余4篇獲提名論文:

  Mamoun Abdel-Hafez, The Autocovariance Least Squares Technique for GPS Interference/Jamming Detection
 Takenori Atsumi, Disturbance Suppression beyond Nyquist Frequency in Hard Disk Drives

  Marcello Colledani, Integrated Analysis of Quality and Production Logistics Performance in Asynchronous Manufacturing Lines
  Tao Li, Asymptotically Unbiased Average Consensus Under Measurement Noises and Fixed Topologies
  Poster Paper Prize
  Gou Nishida, Kentaro Takagi, Bernhard Maschke, and Zhiwei Luo, Multi-Scale Distributed Port-Hamiltonian Representation of Lonic Polymer-Metal Composite

  Best Video Prize
  Hui Sung Lee, Jeong Woo Park, Su Hun Jo, Min-Gyu Kim, Wonhyong Lee, and Myoung Jin Chung, A Mascot-Type Facial Robot with A Linear Dynamic Affect-Expression Model.

4. Outstanding Service

今年有21位學者,他們因多年來持之以恒的、從各個方面為IFAC做出的杰出貢獻被IFAC授予的杰出服務獎。他們分別是:Ruth Bars, Sergio Bittanti, Serge Boverie, Xi-Ren Cao, Ewart Carson, Ian Craig, A. Talha Dinibutun, Jean-Michel Dion, Denis Dochain, Christos Georgakis, Wolfgang Halang, George Irwin, Sirkka-Liisa Jamsa-Jounela, Tohru Katayama, Uwe Kiencke, Peter Kopacek, Wook Hyun Kwon, Thomas McAvoy, Shimon Nof, Anibal Ollero, Marek Zaremba,
附錄 2 大會報告題目

1. Roger Brockett (Harvard University), “Reduced Complexity Control Systems”.

2. Xi-Ren Cao (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ), “Stochastic Learning and Optimization - A Sensitivity-Based Approach”.

3. Francis J. Doyle III (University of California at Santa Barbara), “Robust Control in Biology: From Genes to Cells to Systems”.

4. Hidenori Kimura (The Institute of Phisical and Chemical Research), “A Control-Theoretic Approach to Model-Based Medicine”.

5. Lennart Ljung (Linkoping University), “Perspectives on System Identification”.

6. Keh-Sik Min (Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd), “Automation and Control Systems Technology in Korean Shipbuilding Industry: The State of the Art and the Future Perspectives”.

7. Marc Raibert (Boston Dynamics), “BigDog, the Rough-Terrain Robot”.

8. Etienne Tarnowski (Airbus), “Overview of Potential Evolutions of Technologies Applied in Commercial Transport Airplanes”.

9. Detlef Zuehlke (Univ. of Kaiserslautern Germany), “SmartFactory - from vision to reality in factory technologies”.

有6個里程碑報告(Milestone Report),分別為:

  1. Ruth Bars, Patrizio Colaneri, Luc Dugard, Frank Allgower, Anatolii Kleimenov, Carsten W. Scherer, Trends in theory of control system design, IFAC Coordinating Committee on Design Methods (CC2).

  2. Ewart Carson, David Dagan Feng, Marie-Noelle Pons, Rodolfo Soncini-Sessa, G van Straten, Bio- and Ecological Systems: Challenges, Accomplishments and Forecasts, IFAC Coordinating Committee on Bio and Ecological Systems (CC8)

  3. Shimon Y. Nof, Advances in E-manufacturing, E-logistics, and E-service Systems, IFAC Coordinating Committee on Manufacturing and Logistics Systems (CC5).

  4. Denis Dochain, Wolfgang Marquardt, Sangchul Won, O.P. Malik, Michel Kinnaert, Jan Lunze, Monitoring and Control of Process and Power Systems : Adapting to environmental challenges, increasing competitivity and changing customer and consumer demands, IFAC Coordinating Committee on Power and Process systems (CC6).

  5. Lars Nielsen, Lino Guzzella, Chris Gerdes, Jae-Kyun Jang, Informal round table discussion, IFAC Coordinating Committee on Transportation and Vehicle Systems (CC7).

  6. Serge Boverie, Dong-il Dan Cho, Hideki Hashimoto, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wei Wang, Detlef Zuehlke, Mechatronics, robotics and components for automation and control, IFAC Coordinating Committee on Mechatronics, Robotics and Components (CC4)

有2個Panel Discussions,分別為:
  1. Organiser: Toshio Fukuda; Panelists: Sergej Fatikow, Stephanus Buttgenbach, Ning Xi, YoungHo Cho, Micro/Nano Manipulation.
  2. Organisers: Ljubo Vlacic, Sebastien Dormido and Anthony Rossiter; Panelists: Frank Algower, Anthony Rossiter, Ramakalyan, Victor Becerra, Li Qiu, Graham Goodwin, James Whidbourne, Liu Guoping, Ljubo Vlacic, Sylviane Gentil, IFAC Control Resources (ICR) Initiative Discussion and Sharing Session at the 2008 IFAC World Congress.

有17篇Keynote Papers,分別為:

1. Takashi Yamaguchi and Takenori Atsumi, HDD Servo Control Technologies - What We Have Done and Where We Should Go in Session MoA21: Servo Control for Storage Systems and Precision Devices I.

2. Arie Levant, Homogeneous High - Order Sliding Modes, in Session TuA03: Advances in Higher Order Sliding Mode Control.

3. Alexandre Dolgui and Jean-Marie Proth, RFID Technology in Supply Chain Management: State of the Art and Perspectives, in TuA23: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology in Supply Chain Management I.

4. Leonid M. Fridman, Arie Levant, and Jorge Angel Davila Montoya, High-Order Sliding-Mode Observation for Systems with Unknown Inputs, in Session TuB03: Advances in Higher Order Sliding Mode Observation and Estimation.

5. Georgi Marko Dimirovski, Applied System and Control Sciences to Social Systems: Globalization Age
Paradigms, in Session TuB16: Systems and Control Sciences in Social Systems Applications.
6. Przemyslaw Sliwinski, Zygmunt Hasiewicz, and Grzegorz Mzyk, Nonlinear System Identification under Various Prior Knowledge, in Session WeA09: Hammerstein-Wiener System Identification.

7. Jeffrey Austin Butterworth, Lucy Y. Pao, and Daniel Y. Abramovitch, Architectures for Tracking Control in Atomic Force Microscopes in Session WeA21: Dynamics and Control of Micro- and Nano-Scale Systems I.

8. Gregory Bollella, It's Time for a Change: The Sun Java Real-Time System for Automation Systems, in Session WeA23: Industrial Applications of Real-Time Distributed Embedded Systems.

9. Herve Gueguen, Marie-Anne, Lefebvre and Othman Nasri, and Janan Zaytoon, Safety Verification and Reachability Analysis for Hybrid Systems, in Session WeB12: Reachability Computations for Hybrid Systems.

10. Santosh Devasia, Review of Feedforward Approaches for Nano Precision Positioning in High Speed SPM Operation, in Session WeB21: Dynamics and Control of Micro- and Nano-Scale Systems II.

11. Lubomir Bakule and Manuel de la Sen, Stabilization of Nonlinear Switched Continuous - Time Complex Systems, in Session WeB24: New Trend in Decentralized Control.

12. Murti V. Salapaka and Pranav Agarwal, Control and Systems Approaches to Atomic Force Microscopy, in Session WeC21: Dynamics and Control of Micro- and Nano-Scale Systems III.

13. Kevin L. Moore, A Tutorial Introduction to Autonomous Systems, in Session ThA19: Recent Advances in Intelligent Autonomous Systems.

14. Victor Anaya, Giuseppe Berio, Mounira Harzallah, Patrick Heymans, Raimundas Matulevicius, Andreas L Opdahl, Herve Panetto, and Maria Jose Verdecho, The Unified Enterprise Modelling Language - Overview and Further Work, in Session ThA24: Semantic-Based Solutions for Enterprise Integration and Networking.

15. Jan C. Willems and Yutaka Yamamoto, Linear Differential Behaviors Described by Rational Symbols, in Session ThB06: Modeling and Control in the Behavioral Framework.

16. Alain Oustaloup, Jocelyn Sabatier, Patrick Lanusse, Rachid Malti, Pierre Melchior, Mathieu Moze, An Overview of the CRONE Approach in System Analysis, Modeling and Identification, Observation and Control, in Session FrA06: Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications I.

17. Makoto Itoh, Human Monitoring-Based Driving Support, in Session FrA30: Non-Intrusive Human Monitoring.
有17個Highlight Sessions,分別為:

1. Automation;

2. Automation in the Semiconductor, Display, and Electronics Industry;

3. Future Industrial Development;

4. Hot Rolling;

5. Measurement;

6. New Trials for Control Education;
7. Recent Automation Technologies in Shipbuilding Industry I;

8. Recent Automation Technologies in Shipbuilding Industry II;

9. Recent Automation Technologies in Shipbuilding Industry III;

10. Recent Development of Intelligent Robots I: Navigation;

11. Recent Development of Intelligent Robots II: Mobility;

12. Recent Development of Intelligent Robots III: Vision & HRI;

13. Recent Development of Intelligent Robots IV: Architecture & Applications;

14. Robotics for LCD & Semiconductor Industry;

15. Steel Making;
16. Ubiquitous Robotic Companion;

17. Virtual-Remote Labs in Control Education: Real Experiences.

有18個Pre-Congress Tutorial and Workshops,分別為:

1. TT1: Advances in Three Term Control (2 days), Lee H. Keel, Youngchol Kim, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya.

2. TT2: Convex Optimization (1 day), Stephen P. Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe, Michael Grant.

3. TT4: Modeling and Control of Roll-to-Roll Material Processing Systems (1 day), Prabhakar R. Pagilla, Dominique Knittel, KeeHyun Shin.

4. TT5: Observers for systems with unknown inputs: A practical guide to design and applications (1 day), Stanislaw H. Zak.

5. TT6: Chance Constrained Process Optimization and Control under Uncertainty (1 day), Pu Li.

6. TT7: Robustness in Systems Biology: Methods and Applications (1 day), Eric Bullinger, Hong Yue, Frank Allgower.

7. TT8: Biological Control Systems (1 day), Babatunde A. Ogunnaike.

8. TT9: Emerging networked sensing and actuation technologies: state of the art, system design and applications (1 day), Elena Gaura.

9. TT12: Variable Structure Systems with Sliding Modes and their Applications (1 day), Xinghuo Yu, Jian-Xin Xu.

10. WS1: Complex Embedded and Networked Control Systems (2 days), Alexander L. Fradkov, Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue.

11. WS2: Identification & Control of Unstable Systems (1 day), M. Chidambaram, Seshagiri Rao Ambati, Padma Sree Ravi.

12. WS3: Analysis and Design of Distributed Adaptive Networks (1 day), Ali H. Sayed.

13. WS4: Embedded Control Systems: from design to implementation (1 day), Pedro Albertos.

14. WS5: Cooperative Control of Multiple Autonomous Vehicles (1 day), A. Pedro Aguiar, Antonio M. Pascoal, Joao Hespanha, Isaac Kaminer , Wei Ren.

15. WS6: Continuous-time Model Identification from Sampled Data (1 day), Liuping Wang, Hugues Garnier, Graham C. Goodwin, Torsten Soderstrom, Rik Pintelon.

16. WS7: Delays, Feedbacks and Interconnections: From Simple structures to Complex Networks (1 day), Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, Joono Cheong.

17. WS8: Stochastic Model Predictive Control (1 day), Mark Cannon, Basil Kouvaritakis.

18. WS9: Self-optimizing control: Theory and Applications (1 day), Vinay Kariwala, Sigurd Skogestad.

此外,還有兩個Video Sessions, 分別為:

  1. Guidance, Navigation and Control;

  2. Intelligent Robotics.



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