作者:沈鐵志(國能神福(石獅)發電有限公司,福建 泉州 362700)
摘要:為了提高火電廠汽輪機危急遮斷系統(ETS)及保護回路的可靠 性,排除ETS保護回路中存在的典型設計缺陷及隱患,進一步優化汽輪 機主保護聯鎖功能,減少ETS保護聯鎖控制回路誤動和拒動風險,避免 火力發電廠經濟損失及不安全事件的發生,針對汽輪機危急遮斷系統保 護回路設計及安裝中常見的典型問題進行了列舉和風險分析,對國內火 力發電廠汽輪機危急遮斷系統及回路常見設計的潛在風險及產生的原因 進行了研究,提出了針對性的優化解決措施,在應用中切實提高了汽輪 機危急遮斷系統及保護回路的可靠性,對工控領域其他應用保護聯鎖功 能的場所也具有同樣的推廣和借鑒作用。
Abstract: In order to improve the reliability of turbine emergency trip system (ETS) and protection circuit in thermal power plant, eliminate the typical design defects and hidden troubles in ETS protection circuit, further optimize the interlock function of turbine main protection, reduce the risk of Maloperation and rejection of the fossil-fuel power station chain control circuit, and avoid economic losses and unsafe incidents, the typical problems in the design and installation of protection circuit for emergency trip system of Steam Turbine are enumerated and the risks are analyzed. This paper studies the potential risks and causes of common design of emergency trip system and circuit of fossil-fuel Power Station Steam Turbine in China, and puts forward the corresponding optimized solutions. The reliability of emergency trip system and protection circuit is improved in the application, which can be used as a reference for other places in industrial control field.
Key words: Reliability; Emergency trip system; ETS; Protection circuit; Protection misoperation